Feature Requests

Hi there! I'm Tina and I make Labyrinthos. If you're leaving a request for a deck, please tag it appropriately with either Tarot Decks 🔮, or Other Decks 🃏 If you're requesting a feature, tag it as Feature Request 👍 Thanks for all your suggestions!

  1. Web View (Desktop)

    App is built on a hybrid platform, so it's possible to turn this into a web-app. I have a version that's actually ready to go, but a little nervous. Some benefits: Charge a smaller monthly fee for premium features because apple and google aren't taking their rather large cut.I hate writing journal entries on mobile. I have stubby little fingers and the older I get the more typos I make. For anyone interested in this, please comment if you'd like to be a tester!

    Tina @ Labyrinthos


  2. Clarifying Cards

    Draw one additional card per position if needed.

    Tina @ Labyrinthos
    #Feature Requests 👍


  3. Modern Witch tarot

    I think that is single the most popular deck for those who seek the traditional symbolism from Raider Waite. But obviously modern approach. It would be lovely to have it here!

    #Tarot Decks 🔮


  4. Numerology Quizzes

    I think it would be a cool feature to have a quiz for the numbers of cards, since their meanings span across the suits.

    A u
    #Feature Requests 👍#Quizzes 📊


  5. Thoth Tarot

    I think the classic Thoth Tarot, which, in my opinion, the most gorgeous Labyrinthos deck by far is based on deserves to be included

    #Tarot Decks 🔮


  6. I-Ching

    This is kinda out there, but since I've been seeing that the next most popular set of votes is for runes, I was wondering whether anyone would also be interested in the I-ching? It's a daoist practice I've been privately studying on and off the past few years in order to get in touch with my own roots as a Chinese-American who feels like I barely have any connection with my culture, and someone who is interested in various metaphysical things. While I've messed around with runes for example, I don't have a lot of real knowledge or experience with them, but I feel like I can offer more with the I-ching? This page offers a good introduction, as well as a little experience you can play with too: https://www.ichingonline.net/about.php

    Tina @ Labyrinthos
    #Feature Requests 👍#Other Decks 🃏


  7. Optional ambiance: music, more themes, etc

    Curious on how many would want something like this.

    Tina @ Labyrinthos
    #Feature Requests 👍


  8. Earn credits.

    There should be a way we can earn credits for katssandras interpretations instead of only purchasing them.

    Nikki D
    #Feature Requests 👍


  9. Wheel of the year reminders? Or add events to calendar.

    I love the daily and monthly reminders as well as the moon phase reminders and I was wondering if a reminder for the wheel of the year would be possible. I don't know if there already is a similar feature but I think it would be helpful. :) (or the ability to add events to the calendar to set up our own reminders)

    Patricia t
    #Feature Requests 👍


  10. Grand Tableau Spread

    Bring back Grand Tableau to Labyrinthos. Split from another thread for some clarity.

    Tina @ Labyrinthos
    #Feature Requests 👍


  11. Queer Tarot

    by ash and chess!

    #Tarot Decks 🔮


  12. Wild unknown tarot

    #Tarot Decks 🔮


  13. Collective data - A "world soul"?

    Data is aggregated and anonymized to show you what cards everyone else is drawing. A big old collective mirror, essentially. No info about actual readings and what was asked, just cards, and comparisons to your own individual mirror.

    Tina @ Labyrinthos
    #Feature Requests 👍


  14. Readings for others

    Though 99.9% of my readings are personal, every so often I’ll do a reading for a friend or family member. I’d love to be able to both send them the PDF with their name at the top, and also not save the reading under my name in the history.

    #Feature Requests 👍


  15. Tarot Osho Zen

    The Osho Zen Tarot focuses on gaining an understanding of the here and now. It is a system based on the wisdom of Zen, a wisdom that says events in the outer world simply reflect our own thoughts and feelings, even though we ourselves might be unclear about what those thoughts and feelings are. https://shop.osho.com/en/osho-zen-tarot

    #Tarot Decks 🔮
